7 years ago
2 weeks on keto and sweet things are mildly gross at this stage or at best they are meh... I'm sure I would still be all over a brownie or a cinnamon roll...
7 years ago
but we ordered a dish that ended up having a sweet sauce on it and were trying to push it off. The description did not include that. The sweetness was revolting. Not the flavor, just the sweet aspect if that makes sense.
7 years ago
Then I took a bite of a cookie and I was very MEH about it. Oatmeal Raisin which I am actually a fan of. I don't think I would be meh about things I really like, but I am not seeking it out.
7 years ago
I am surprised at how quickly the super desire for sugar curbed. Not totally gone, but if you offer me a savory thing or a sweet thing I will go for the savory thing. I miss fruits and chocolate mostly.