23Friends 47Fans
female MA, United States
Kinneh says
14 years ago
Just heard the term "man-opause" to describe a co-worker's bad attitude. And apparently Georgians go through "Savannah-pause".
Kinneh says
14 years ago 1
Morning run contained sun, black skies, wind and hail. Was waiting for the sidewalk to open up and Satan to jump out but it didn't happen.
Kinneh says
14 years ago
second straight day of rain. But at least it's not snow! :-(
Kinneh says
14 years ago 2
It was only AFTER I sent the email that I realized I should have picked a better subject line than, "Hurry! Afternoon release!".
Kinneh says
14 years ago 1
It looks like a snow globe outside of my window right now. Very pretty!
Kinneh says
14 years ago
My management style goes a little something like this, "Seriously, no humming today. From any of you. I really need to concentrate now".
Kinneh says
14 years ago 2
Monday morning has brought me to my knees (literally, my ethernet came unplugged and I had to crawl under my desk to fix it).
Kinneh says
14 years ago
It's that time again. Wish me luck at Psycho Tennis.
Kinneh says
14 years ago 3
25 y.o. co-worker has never heard of the "We Are the World" video/song. Also thinks Farm Aid was a rural drug store.
Kinneh says
14 years ago
Sister wanted to clarify that she didn't laugh b/c I fell. She laughed b/c I laid on the ground and had a Nancy Kerrigan moment. Why meeeee?