103Friends 50Fans
female Boiling Springs, PA, United States
GWU student, International Affairs, Global Public health, prefers to communicate in 140 char or less
KathleenLD is
16 years ago 3
back, breifly
KathleenLD has
16 years ago 1
not used plurk in months
KathleenLD has
16 years ago 10
not plurked in over a month...
KathleenLD has
16 years ago 3
been blogging an awful lot lately
KathleenLD is
16 years ago 1
considering renaming her blog the marc zomberg fanblog
KathleenLD says
16 years ago 3
if you register to vote Marc Zomberg will bring back the old Facebook!! details here
KathleenLD is
16 years ago 4
cranky and trying to fix that
KathleenLD wants
16 years ago 13
to help her mom get more integrated into the social media scene. First project: getting her photos online! What site should she use?
KathleenLD wants
16 years ago 3
something fun to happen
KathleenLD has
16 years ago 19
an html question: how what is the code to center something? for example, I'd like to center the bannerad I have along the side column