103Friends 50Fans
female Boiling Springs, PA, United States
GWU student, International Affairs, Global Public health, prefers to communicate in 140 char or less
KathleenLD has
16 years ago 2
decided to put an ad on her blog for www.bothervoting.com because it ties democracy w/ sarcasm (a la www.someecards) yay!
KathleenLD was
16 years ago 4
going to make her dad a birthday cake-- but went with birthday fudge instead. Yum!!! (hungry)
KathleenLD asks
16 years ago 6
if any plurkers will be at podcamp pittsburgh?
KathleenLD asks
16 years ago 3
if people heard about "Marc Zomberg" bringing back the old facebook? (LOL) I blogged about it andsuddenly got a ton of hits!
KathleenLD says
16 years ago 5
o hai, plurk!
KathleenLD feels
16 years ago 3
bad for leaving plurk for so long
KathleenLD says
16 years ago 2
Karma goes up faster the farther you are from 60 (or whatever) and the less frequently you plurk..
KathleenLD says
16 years ago 17
so... hi... er, haven't really plurked in a few weeks... anybody remember me??
KathleenLD says
16 years ago 6
twitter is down in an awfully strange way
KathleenLD is
16 years ago 6