76Friends 21Fans
Rossland, BC, Canada
Too sad, grumpy, tired, and sore to want to talk to anyone. Oh, cold too. Anything else you want to know?
JigmeDatse feels
3 weeks ago 6
really ouchy... Everything bloody well hurts.
JigmeDatse shares
3 weeks ago 3
The Eternal Jukebox"Never have bare feet." That is unacceptable...
JigmeDatse feels
3 weeks ago 3
Yeah, I think that would be disturbing... Dalek saying please...
JigmeDatse shares
1 months ago 10
https://images.plurk.com/7wPzVTKnp2fBgjaaUpoB9p.png an image (hmm... transparent background I guess), of something I "quickly" created in Inkscape. Sort of like a Cantor dust, but it's not really.
JigmeDatse feels
1 months ago
it was nice to be out with it not being too hot, and not raining... Still on the cool side really. Really distracting with the neighbours flying in... Raven was on the roof for a bit.
JigmeDatse has
1 months ago 12
been having a load of cool wet weather... Not enjoying it.
JigmeDatse shares
1 months ago
noodles have been made today (and yesterday). There's more dough to make into noodles possibly. Or it may end up getting thrown out. They certainly were yummy.
JigmeDatse shares
1 months ago 11
timelapse 264timelapse from second night of trying to get aurora pictures.
JigmeDatse feels
2 months ago 7
the pictures they took last night are rather disappointing.
JigmeDatse shares
2 months ago 2
Jagged little pizzanot great... But hey, does it need to be?