Enfant Terrible
234Friends 145Fans
female Germany
.Enfant Terrible.
in world name LeEnfantTerrible Resident

owner of my little store Enfant Terrible former GSpot
Enfant Terrible
6 years ago
:-) Hello again Plurkies - after a felt eternity. I hope your SLifes (and the rl one) have been treating you well friends.
Enfant Terrible
6 years ago
Good morning everyone =) If you feel bored, check out the haunted-halloween-tour from LL. It´s pretty awesome =D Haunted Halloween Tour
Enfant Terrible
8 years ago 13
Hello fashion-folk I was wondering where I can find skin stores that make colored/fantasy skins for mesh bodies and mesh heads? Any ideas and suggestions are much appreciated!
Enfant Terrible
8 years ago 1
Tataaa ... it´s that time again :-D We are currently looking for some bloggers to join the team <3
Enfant Terrible
8 years ago 8
coming soon to TFC I hope you like it
Enfant Terrible
8 years ago 31
>< Ar >< Arcade Sneaky peak. I hope you like it
Enfant Terrible
8 years ago 5
Hello plurkies. A general question to Open Collar Six. Has anyone of you given it a stresstest yet? I heard there where some bugs to be fixed along the way but I don´t know how severe they are.
Enfant Terrible
8 years ago 52
Question dear Plurkies. I send my latest outfit to a friend to check the rigging on her avatar. She (Mac user) has a small clipping spot in an area that I can´t see on my avi.
Enfant Terrible
8 years ago 8
oh oh ... does anyone else have issues with Caspervend at the moment? I woke up to a bunch of NC´s about vendors being offline and can´t log on the website.
Enfant Terrible teilt
8 years ago 22
ahhh I am soooo excited - soon available at We <3 Roleplay and brought to you in a collaboration between Wicca´s Wardrobe & .Enfant Terrible. - JOYCE