Enfant Terrible
8 years ago
oh oh ... does anyone else have issues with Caspervend at the moment? I woke up to a bunch of NC´s about vendors being offline and can´t log on the website.
latest #8
Paco Pooley
8 years ago
as far as i know Caspar vend is down since 16:30
Enfant Terrible
8 years ago
ooh thank you Paco!
Paco Pooley
8 years ago
I really do not know the Details since we do not use Caspar - but i have seen a lot of plurks :-/
Enfant Terrible
8 years ago
ahhh lawdy :/ well i hope it´ll get fixed fast
8 years ago
All the servers were down :-( hopefully it'll get fixed fast
Enfant Terrible
8 years ago
oh well - it happens - I hope so tooo and thank you zeee <333
8 years ago
I wanna shooopppp pls let it be fixed sooooon
Enfant Terrible
8 years ago
ha! I get back on the website and a customer just told me she received her items. knocks on wood that it´s fixed
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