[Theater] And that's all she wrote. We Will Rock You is in the books, and while the book of the show was goofy and thin, the music of Queen is always great to sing. Sorry that you all missed it... and this:
[We Will Rock You, Free Offer] I know this is last minute, but sometimes things happen this way. If anyone was thinking of coming to the show but weren't sure, I have two (2) free tickets available for this Sunday's matinee performance.
[Theater, Age (sorta)] So earlier this week I got another indication of the passage... not so much a matter of "Joe, you're old," but more a matter of "Joe, these kids are so dang young..."
[D&D; Not At All Evil, Promise] Well, I certainly didn't have "Tiefling Warlock with Succubus Mom is party's moral compass" on my Bingo card, but there you go...
Spent a nice evening hanging out with qzzus, nyarlathotepjr, FullOfBees, Grimdork, RichterCa, and flutterpony. Even if most of the conversation was beyond my complete comfort zone, it was cool to just see people that I hadn't seen in a while.