173Friends 42Fans
female York, PA, United States
I work with students of deafblindness as an Intervener and love providing access to this low incidence population. I work in PA within inclusive educational settings and am always eager to share info and brainstorm together! ~ IGM2L
Intervener wishes
12 years ago 8
everyone a very merry CHRISTmas :-)
Intervener shares
12 years ago
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. - u/k
Intervener asks
12 years ago 12
could someone please put a pause on summer so it will last longer? :-D
Intervener asks
12 years ago 8
if anyone has recommendations for clean affordable places to stay for vacation in Rehoboth Beach, PA area for fam of 5?
Intervener shares
13 years ago 8
When you go though life with a foot on either side of the fence you end up getting splinters in your crotch. -Adam McCain (LOL)
Intervener shares
13 years ago 6
"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it." -Pablo Picasso
Intervener shares
13 years ago 7
Fact 1: An Intervener is trained in deafblindness (DB) and works 1:1 with an infant or student with DB in a home or educational setting.
Intervener shares
13 years ago 6
"Don't worry if your tasks are small and your rewards are few because the mighty oak was once a nut like you!" u/k
Intervener shares
13 years ago 8
that Fiona thinks Plurking is funny! :-)
Intervener shares
13 years ago 14
I'm telling you...sometimes Fiona is such a strange dog!!! :-D