Intervener shares
13 years ago
I'm telling you...sometimes Fiona is such a strange dog!!! :-D
latest #14
Mr Bill says
13 years ago
She looks like the Fiona in our apartment building! (woot)
cbrosa says
13 years ago
Is that a Boston Terrier? I love BTs!
Cheryl57 says
13 years ago
✿honeymic says
13 years ago
aww, what a great pic. Love the name!
Intervener says
13 years ago
cbrosa yes she is a BT. Our 1st BT & she keeps us laughing! Great personality! :-)
AlienDog says
13 years ago
(LOL) how cute!
13 years ago
:-) She looks totally relaxed!
Libby13 says
13 years ago
camelama says
13 years ago
hee hee hee!
RozinPDX says
13 years ago
Mim58 says
13 years ago
Fly Fisher
13 years ago
what a cutie!! :-))
tgentry says
13 years ago
So beautiful. :-)
13 years ago
Haha we had a BT once. He was ADHD. But so loving!
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