14Friends 8Fans
male Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
about me....... what should i write.....????? just a normal male ( gene is XY) nothing special except 1 thing which i am very proud of even though is very lame... that is i am king of crapping haha... i tell lame joke and crap 90% of my life time
I wonder why Pinocchio wanted to be human.....
Fucker!!! where is my water!!!!! grrrrrrr
1st day ady eat so many rubbish food ><
After reading the story of Ayrton Senna, i feel that i should appreciate every moment of my short and undecided life ><
tomorrow gonna be a bad bad day ><
someone who has time for everyone else except for one......... haiz
11o'clock look at the sky and u will see eclipse ^^
那些年我们一起追过的女孩写得真好! 世上有多少人可以在人生的道路上牵着他们的最爱呢??
haiz~~ 13th ar 13th~~