14Friends 8Fans
male Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
about me....... what should i write.....????? just a normal male ( gene is XY) nothing special except 1 thing which i am very proud of even though is very lame... that is i am king of crapping haha... i tell lame joke and crap 90% of my life time
waiting for 12th december~~~~~
wow~ igoogle is so cool!!!
lol~ 1st time in anime history that a main character in the beginning become a second main ~
终生天蝎[♏]Hamyu™ says
12 years ago 3
陈奕迅.-.[明年今日].MV陈奕迅.-.[明年今日].MV 今天才知道这首歌的歌词将有意思:'-(
word is word, word with heart is feeling haha
something is no matter how hard you try, it will still be the same
if him/her no "heart" then what for force him/her to do it?
1st outstation job. Day one was better den expected but hell will be coming ><
what will happen if i am fully blind or my eye got no prob at all from the beggining?
officially graduating tomorrow :-P