3Friends 15Fans
Adventurous Second Lifer, mother, manager and nerd.
Likes: Books, video games, HP, writing fiction, my family.
Hates: Some things.
7 years ago
I'm plurking again!
11 years ago 9
I killed our desktop tonight. By this I mean that I was using it and all of a sudden there is a loud pop, a spark and some really bad burny smell.
Hadley says
11 years ago 4
Having email reminders to remind you about important appointments only works when you check your email.
Hadley says
11 years ago 6
Do you any of you know where the off switch is on this baby?
11 years ago 16
Second Life gets awkward when you tp into a location and see people and have to think..."did I have sex with him?".
Hadley says
11 years ago 2
Moving to the in-laws tonight for a week = boo.
11 years ago
Second Life dating services are fascinating things!
Hadley says
11 years ago 9
Had a weird few months, lots of illness, a couple of trips and a very tragic death in the extended family but I'm feeling good and I'm
Hadley says
11 years ago 4
I've been sick so long I forgot how to clean house and run errands! Help!(Русский)
Hadley says
11 years ago 2
Re-watching Veronica Mars in prep for the movie.