56Friends 52Fans
female Second life
Doing what I do....

Gypsy Helendale
1 years ago
waves Howdy! Man, it's been a while since I logged into this. I recently moved across country. Hoping to maybe even log into Second Life once I get all settled in. :-D
3 years ago 1
Says the last time I logged in was June 11, 2018. Wowsers. I totally forgot this existed.
Gypsy says
7 years ago 2
Lots to do this week. Have one of our employee guys staying so gotta do some cleaning and tidying up tomorrow. Need to get my nails done. Have a dinner Friday which sucks cause I don't know if I can eat anything there. I'm still on soft foods for another 3 months at least. :/
Gypsy says
7 years ago
Went to Target today. I love all of their dollar section. I'm obsessed with stationary. :-D
Gypsy says
7 years ago
Back to normal. No more rash, no more pills. Doing great on the weight loss to. Maybe some day I will share how much I've lost here and on FB, but for now I will keep it to myself. All I know is it's great when everything fits loose. :-D
7 years ago 7
I'm now taking Prednisone, benadryl, and pepcid for my hives. I hope it works fast. I don't want to mess up my weight loss and I know Prednisone makes you gain weight.
Gypsy says
7 years ago 4
Ok, so found out the rash is Hives. I'm allergic to my antibiotics. Dr gave me a steroid shot in my butt. This sucks. :/
7 years ago
As if having dental surgery wasn't enough. Now I'm sick with runny nose and cough. To top it all off, I woke up this morning with a strange rash on my chest, neck and arms.
Gypsy says
7 years ago
My face hurts. I've had dental surgery twice in five months. Ugh.
7 years ago
I have an urge to jump back into SL. I don't know why and I'm sure I probably have no one to hang out with in it. But I kinda miss it. lol.