6 years ago
I'm now taking Prednisone, benadryl, and pepcid for my hives. I hope it works fast. I don't want to mess up my weight loss and I know Prednisone makes you gain weight.
latest #7
6 years ago
you can take Prednisone and not gain weight just watch your calories in. be careful about writing it down. at least for me Prednisone just makes me starving
6 years ago
Oh good. I'm already doing great with my eating. I had dental surgery recently and can only eat soft foods for four months.
6 years ago
Oh good. I've never taken it before. My sister was on it for her Lupus and it made her get moon face and gain weight.
6 years ago
Ah ok. Yeah. I don't need weight gain. lol. I've lost a lot and want to keep going.
6 years ago
yah moonface happens with long term use. I've been on Prednisone 2 weeks.
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