Garrett. ⌐■_■
622Friends 122Fans
male Phoenix, AZ, United States
Garrett. ⌐■_■
6 years ago 8 @Edit 6 years ago
Creators, how do you decide how much to price your fatpacks of single items in multiple colors?
I don't want tonsils anymore.
can I just log in without having three guys on my list immediately IMing me? I could understand if I was a ho but I'm not.
What are some things in SL that are gone that you miss?
Cleaning my inventory always makes me sad. It's like reading credits to a movie you can only watch once. lol
Best pose stores for Male poses?
Probably NSFW :
What's not fun is being branded by hot jeans buttons. It's like being tickled but not.
Garrett. ⌐■_■
7 years ago 6 @Edit 7 years ago
Registering my complaint now...I know everyone is welcome at all shopping events but it's so fucking annoying when guys show up with their gf's and their other female friends at events geared toward, you don't need that much advice. I actually am trying to tp someone who wants to buy things who has a penis.