Garrett. ⌐■_■
6 years ago @Edit 6 years ago
Creators, how do you decide how much to price your fatpacks of single items in multiple colors?
latest #8
Daddy UwU
6 years ago
most people I know do <total cost to buy all> - <percent, typically 10-25%> whenever I get around to stuff like it, it'll be total cost -25% for recolors, and total cost -10% for set-based items
"Total cost to buy all" doesn't really explain how people come to that figure.
Alice ♥
6 years ago
i do 2 packs free
Alice ♥
6 years ago
which looks like that comes out to like 1/3 the cost of buying it all
Alice ♥
6 years ago
i also add a fat pack only pack so it's more like 3 packs free
Jay Giano
6 years ago
just guess a number lol
Allegory says
6 years ago
i do between 25%-50% off buying them all individually, usually. depends on how many there are and such. bigger sets = more discount.
Jay Giano
6 years ago
if i had like 8 colors i would price them more than 3 sold individual, that way if they are buying more than 3 chances are they might as well just get the fatpack instead
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