Garrett. ⌐■_■
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago
Registering my complaint now...I know everyone is welcome at all shopping events but it's so fucking annoying when guys show up with their gf's and their other female friends at events geared toward, you don't need that much advice. I actually am trying to tp someone who wants to buy things who has a penis.
latest #6
7 years ago
Well, my penis and I just got in, so your complaint must have been registered.
7 years ago
but now I've crashed. (tears)
Yelo Uriza
7 years ago
but but do you have bento balls?
7 years ago
You can cam from the Pea or kustom9 too
YeloUriza: No, I should though...
anywhereexcepthere: I'm good, I was able to get in just fine. I was just annoyed that I couldn't tp someone. lol It's not the end of the world though.
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