231Friends 51Fans
female PA, United States
♥Rediscovery and reshaping can be good for the soul and somewhere beneath it all, you may just find yourself ♥
♥Gabriella♥ asks
1 years ago 4
What are the best places to buy new body things now? Do you believe I haven’t been hosted since like 2015? So I need the works I think. Mesh body, skin,head..Do I need a shape? I do have some hair and clothes old and new (Ty collabor88 and truth) But I’m almost starting from scratch here.any help would be so appreciated!! Thanks. Love you guys!
1 years ago 3
So like.... hi!!!! (wave_okok)
5 years ago 3
just wanted to start this new year off with a warm hello and wishes for all good things to come to you. life has continued to be rather overwhelming which is why you have seen so little of me, but to those I'm closest to please know you are always carried in my heart. happy 2019 to you all,.may it hold much happiness and love for you.🥰❤️🥰
7 years ago 5
hi there!! I realized it has been ages since I've checked in so here I am😀 I hope life is treating you all well, and any troubles and woes are few 💗I am still struggling with my health but keeping positive and spending lots of family time with my kids. 2 are married now! and my son and his wife are having a baby so excited!.
I think that's
7 years ago 5
hello hello!! popping in to wish all those who celebrate a happy Thanksgiving... even if you don't, obviously giving thanks and reflecting on what you are thankful for is a wonderful thing. with this in mind...
8 years ago 3
just jumping on to wish my favorite glittery sugarspun unicorn pink April birthday buddy a very happy day. faerybutt I hope your day is filled with the best of all the things and loves.
8 years ago 2
Just peeking in to say hi...pain from illnesses, then sick on top of it, add in back pain from a fall and it makes a quiet Gabby...hope you are all well. and that I miss you!❤ nite!
8 years ago 2
quirky little odd thing I just found out- I went to elementary school with the long island medium. vaguely remember her, but some friends I still have contact with from that time
8 years ago 5
nini from me and the kitty babies
8 years ago 6
hope everyone had/is having a lovely St Valentine's day. may you always hold love in your heart and know that with so many different ways to love you are never alone. g'night and dream sweet my friends.