♥Gabriella♥ asks
1 years ago
What are the best places to buy new body things now? Do you believe I haven’t been hosted since like 2015? So I need the works I think. Mesh body, skin,head..Do I need a shape? I do have some hair and clothes old and new (Ty collabor88 and truth) But I’m almost starting from scratch here.any help would be so appreciated!! Thanks. Love you guys!
Vic Lenoirre
1 years ago
Skin Fair is going on now.
Vic Lenoirre
1 years ago
For mesh head, Lelutka or Akeruka. Mesh bodies - Maitreya, Legacy (TMP), Belleza Gen X, eBody. Skinnery is a good place to start. Glam Affair is still around.
Vic Lenoirre
1 years ago
Oh, also INITHIUM offers curvy bodies.
1 years ago
Thank you so much!! Gives me some places to go later lol