22Friends 6Fans
male Lakeland, FL, United States
There is nothing else about me.
FireEyes is
10 years ago 4
plurking for the first time in 2013
FireEyes shares
11 years ago
11 years ago 6
took his almost 15 year old dog to the vet today, got him put on anti-inflamatory pain meds to help manage his pain
12 years ago 2
finally got the lawn mowed! Been three weeks...normally I do it every 2 but last weekend we had that Tropical Storm...
12 years ago 3
bought all the clearance christmas stuff at Target!
12 years ago 6
just had carolers at the door...awkward!
12 years ago 2
I don't see how anyone can see a pack of sandhill cranes and not acknowledge that birds evolved from dinosaurs...
12 years ago 27
spent 7 hours at Geico today being interviewed...hopefully making it through all the processes is good news!
12 years ago
downloaded Windows 8 Developer Preview... It's a bit weird
FireEyes wonders
12 years ago 5
what people thought of the 2nd episode of Grimm