14Friends 4Fans
female Enchanted Forest, IA, United States
Writer, Producer, Filmmaker, Herbalist, Priestess of Sekhmet. I believe in being able to do unspeakable acts of cruelty to your characters with your pen. I's what I live for!
FannyFae says
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
Working on reps as well as painting the new metaphysical store space and getting ready to open by the end of the month.
3 years ago 2
For the record, Superstition Mead is overpriced swill.
3 years ago 2
I'm done.I'm done.I'm done.I'm done.I'm done.I am bloody well DONE with Kemetic groups on Facebook!!!!
FannyFae says
3 years ago 12
I have been long away. How is everyone?
FannyFae says
3 years ago 1
Doing that pre-Fall/Winter cleaning and organizing. I have never done this much woodwork and moving of furniture in 94% humidity in my life!
4 years ago 6
The woman who owns the agency that I worked for as a writer passed away today. She wasn't just my boss, she was my friend..She pushed me ro be a better writer and a better person. I am pretty devastated right now.
FannyFae says
4 years ago 5
Today one of my fellow Sekhmet priestesses went on to a ventilator. The saddest part for me were her advising the rest of us that if she didn't make it out the other side, that she loved us all.

This thing is no joke. Please practice social distancing, wear a mask and be diligent.
FannyFae says
4 years ago
I am told that the heat index where I am will reach over 101 today for several hours. Looks like it's time to shelter in the basement as we have no AC.
FannyFae says
4 years ago 3
I am usually pretty upbeat and I have no reason to feel this way, but right now, writing-wise, I am fighting to get my groove back. Every time I look on DW, the only thing on my reading feed is Bakerstreet. Is no one else feeling like writing either?
FannyFae says
4 years ago 3
A federal judge has ordered the shut down of construction and operation of the Dakota Access pipeline in 30 days! I am absolutely ecstatic! Thank you, Standing Rock Water Protectors!