FannyFae says
4 years ago
I have been long away. How is everyone?
latest #12
4 years ago
Pretty good: I wrote twelve pages on a story I'd stalled out on, thanks to... writing in the old graveyard across from our house.
4 years ago
Change of scenery helped immensely
4 years ago
oh that sounds great! i have to sit down to write now that I have most if ny PC issues sorted.
4 years ago
Still battling my battles, still on the green side of the grass. Picked up some ashwaganda, gonna see if it helps. hugs
4 years ago
Bifrostdefender: ❤❤❤❤
4 years ago
silent stars
4 years ago
Good luck to everybody on their writing projects!
silent stars
4 years ago
I haven't had time to work on mine lately.
FannyFae says
4 years ago
I haven't either, truth be told. It is usually client stuff, or just going through the usual medical hoops between times.
FannyFae says
4 years ago
Bifrostdefender: I am doing ok. Today I get the stitches removed from my final reconstruction surgery two weeks ago. I also go to see my oncologist (who I really don't like) about the results of my bone density test. Just say NO to more medications.
4 years ago
I shall keep all fingers and toesies crossed for you
FannyFae says
4 years ago
Bifrostdefender: Thanks! All went well, today with the stitches. The oncologist rescheduled. shrug I really don't care for her, truth be told.
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