FannyFae says
4 years ago
I am usually pretty upbeat and I have no reason to feel this way, but right now, writing-wise, I am fighting to get my groove back. Every time I look on DW, the only thing on my reading feed is Bakerstreet. Is no one else feeling like writing either?
Adrien Molyneux
4 years ago
After several months of lockdown, everything going on in the world, all the stress everywhere, I'm really feeling the writer's block sometimes.
4 years ago
I have the opposite problem: I have too many ideas and not enough hours in the day to write 'em all.
4 years ago
I just feel kind of exhausted lately and have been sleeping way too much. I also have a couple commissions that I get hit with that I really should get my butt on and complete but... ugh.