62Friends 21Fans
female Second Life Grid, Australia
Digital nom de plume, I like to do stuff with the pixels, like wireframe ramen, but more technical, and sometimes Art because it soothes me. Current work 'salt' hosted on LEA7.
Eliza shares
6 years ago 1
Little planet, one good reason to update your Gimp. GIMP - GIMP 2.10.6 Released
Eliza shares
6 years ago 1
Semi-applied for an Assistance dog for my son last week, it's time. Working Inworld tonight I look up because I can hear him laughing, he's watching the film where the girl who has lost her sight takes on a guide miniature pony. FML (rofl)
Eliza shares
6 years ago
Vale beauty, for the connection and for sometimes just reminding us to forget everything and dance. And I'm in part paraphrasing BarackObama and his lovely Michelle. ARETHA FRANKLIN - BABY, BABY, BABYArethaFranklin https://images.plurk.com/5FJSlQ5PgPQsqqkE4p7wFk.jpg
Eliza shares
6 years ago 2
Eliza shares
6 years ago
Following on Twitter, exquisite stuff Wienerroither und Kohlbacher on Instagram: “Don‘t mi...
Eliza shares
6 years ago 4
Eliza shares
6 years ago
Boy oh boy, just noticed snapshot Inworld now moves with my camera as I reframe a shot, how long have these fancy shenanigans been in place. Colour me impressed.
Eliza shares
6 years ago 6
Meet Dexter, this little dude is in care with a friend of mine, organisation I triage fauna rescue for 24 hours a week in the Whitsundays. Zen little dude. https://images.plurk.com/4j8ooOLqtKIDNIk1INvmmg.jpg
Eliza shares
6 years ago
Grass wallcloth walls in SL, no frikken seams. SL 1 - RL 0 (LOL)
Eliza shares
6 years ago 28
https://images.plurk.com/44euAVI0QNpsxjcZ2c32CY.jpg My office, where I work Inworld from, is a part of our livingroom, because I like the view outside. So my office furniture is rather casual to compliment the general environment. Had an old brown cigar club style chair as my work chair. Definitely seen better days and wasn't premium quality to start with, work kids and cats ...