99Friends 108Fans
male Toronto, ON, Canada
Stuff. Worlds. Immersaugmentist.
Dusan shares
15 years ago
Geography of Desire - what does land and search mean in SL
Dusan shares
15 years ago 4
M Linden continues to respond to resident questions - nice!
Dusan shares
15 years ago
Virtual worlds or immersive internet? Report from 3DTLC conference - what's in a name?
Dusan shares
15 years ago
Google goes 3D take two - not lively, browser plug-in for 3D
Dusan shares
15 years ago
Cross-world communication - Metaplace and SL Event
Dusan shares
15 years ago 6
Dusan shares
15 years ago 2
Keystone's progress on Metanomics build - he kind of hit a break through this past week
Dusan shares
15 years ago 8
M Linden and a vague road map - 6M active users his target