99Friends 108Fans
male Toronto, ON, Canada
Stuff. Worlds. Immersaugmentist.
Dusan shares
15 years ago
3D in a Browser - Mozilla and OpenGL announce plans for new plug-in free 3D
Dusan shares
15 years ago 7
X Rated Continent in SL - Linden Lab decides to G-Rate the Mainland
Dusan shares
15 years ago
Dusan shares
15 years ago
Dusan shares
15 years ago 8
Anthropology is Exciting! - who knew this was such a touchy subject
Dusan shares
15 years ago
Science vs humanities - No Accounting for Human Nature
Dusan shares
15 years ago 1
Dusan shares
15 years ago 7
Art in SL - Major piece in NY Times - replurking others but there it is. :-)
Dusan shares
15 years ago 4
Eric Krangel Responds to Slam about His de-Slamming Slam
Dusan shares
15 years ago 2
And while I have you, Narrow Walks in Wild Gardens - explaining virtual worlds