263Friends 133Fans
male Winterset, IA, United States
Just a silly Secondlife DJ........ and husband to the ruler of the MudHoney Empire
#Dilly_Dawes says
9 years ago
Oh holy shit this is fast and 2x 150 gb ssds in raid 1 for the OS and 6x 800gb SSDs in raid 6.
#Dilly_Dawes says
9 years ago 6
really windows you want my comment.... sure
#Dilly_Dawes says
9 years ago 20
any wordpress wizards know how i can speed up, the embedded images from flickr, all of the pics in the blog im working on are from flickr and they are causing the page to load slow. Do i need a plugin ?
#Dilly_Dawes says
9 years ago
I really like this job sometimes,
#Dilly_Dawes says
9 years ago
holy kick ass laptop that would work for all of you builders..... I want one.
ThinkPad P40 Yoga | Think Workstations
#Dilly_Dawes says
9 years ago
Well they arnt all bad huh GhostSec
#Dilly_Dawes says
9 years ago 18
I know that every one has been bothered by there FB feed lately. But the one thing that bothers me is the "Not in my back yard" garbage that people are spewing.
#Dilly_Dawes says
9 years ago 3
Well now the middle child is old enough to have a FB account and promptly asked for one. And now we have a FB account to monitor
#Dilly_Dawes says
9 years ago
I like to think that i am a Tech geek/ nerd, what ever the label. And i have to say, other geeks are really hard to talk to. They seem to like to pick out what you havent told them. And skip the answer
#Dilly_Dawes says
9 years ago 1
Yes boss, I will lock out a third party developer if they dont have the proper licensing. You dont seem to care that we could loose our M$ licensing if we knowing let them use our systems for Dev....