118Friends 243Fans
Gateshead, Great Britain (UK)
Autistic computer geek. Plays lots of World of Warcraft. Used to spend time in Second Life but not now. Permanent bed tester thanks to Severe ME. Likes purple, penguins and shinies :-)
The Guild - Do You Wanna Date My Avatar
Danni has
2 weeks ago
been reminded by IzzyThePenguin that Plurk exists. Hi everyone
Danni shares
10 years ago
fitforaprincess - I've seen something that will be available here that SL girls will love :-)
Danni shares
11 years ago
New ear defenders! :-D
Danni shares
11 years ago 1
Johan took a photo of outside for me. It snowed! :-D
Danni says
11 years ago 10
So my sister has said she'd swap bodies with me. I get that she's in a lot of pain, but I don't think she quite gets how much she'd be unable to do with mine.
11 years ago
Having the EE (T-Mobile) help system not being available is not helpful!
Danni says
11 years ago
Johan tested one of my cakes and he can taste and smell cinnamon as well. So it's not just my body.
Danni says
11 years ago 2
I can taste and smell cinnamon in my angel cake. There is definitely no cinnamon in there. My body is weird.
Danni says
11 years ago
My Nexus 10 has arrived!!!! Squeee!!!!!!!