Danni says
11 years ago
So my sister has said she'd swap bodies with me. I get that she's in a lot of pain, but I don't think she quite gets how much she'd be unable to do with mine.
latest #10
Danni says
11 years ago
(I'm completely bedbound, doubly incontinent, can't sit up in bed without support, unable to use my hands to hold things properly, sensitive to everything, and even hugs make me more ill)
Danni says
11 years ago
(I'm in constant severe pain that my painkillers only just make bearable, underweight as I can't digest food properly, and have spasms, jerks, severe weakness and other funky stuff)
Danni says
11 years ago
(My sister has gallstone type pain, and goes to A+E pretty much everyday for morphine for it. Says she can't walk but does. Goes shopping, out with her fiancé and stuff.)
Danni says
11 years ago
I had gallstones. And still get gallstone type pain now. Compared to the other stuff I experience, it's a piece of cake (though not fun, obviously).
Danni says
11 years ago
I know we all experience pain differently but I couldn't go to McDonalds straight after going to hospital for morphine even if I only had the gallstone pain, as it wiped me out. It just doesn't add up.
Danni says
11 years ago
She's under the pain team, so I hope they can help her. Going to the pain team is on my list of things to do when I can get out of bed :-P
Danni says
11 years ago
Sorry for moaning on here, but she can't see this and would rather not be blamed for setting her side off again (which happens everytime someone questions her). I want her to be pain free but get frustrated.
Danni says
11 years ago
I want to be able to do what she can, even if only sometimes. Normally I'm positive about stuff but her constant comparisons to our lives is getting frustrating. I try not to do it but she keeps bringing it up.
11 years ago
Danni she is being very unkind to you!
Danni says
11 years ago
I don't understand her
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