Daisy Dingle
28Friends 3Fans
female Second life
My Granny once told me that if you are confused by what someone is saying, just nod politely and say 'ooh fancy that'.

Daisy Dingle
3 years ago 13
Lotusceriano you were right!!! The news no longer exists in Australia. Facebook had a tanty!
Daisy Dingle
3 years ago 15
Are the American Plurkers here expecting trouble or calm for the inauguration?

Not sure if I’ll be setting my alarm for 3.30am to watch or not. If I didn’t have to get up early tomorrow I’d definitely be watching.

Daisy Dingle
3 years ago 18
I have a Maitreya body but don’t use BoM. I got the latest Maitreya update the other day (but haven’t touched it yet) which includes BoM. To use this, will I have to edit my body shape from scratch and then add the new body to every outfit I have individually?

Keep in mind, I am hopeless with all things technical.

Thanks is advance.
Daisy Dingle shares
3 years ago 6
Angela Merkel wins Twitter today.

Daisy Dingle
3 years ago 7
Christmas Day Aussie style:
Daisy Dingle
3 years ago 5

It’s Christmas in Australia! Have a great day when you wake up in the morning if you’re on the other side of the world.


(Don’t drink and drive!)
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 3 @Edit 4 years ago
Sometimes I send emails to my work address to remind me of things I need to do. I’ve almost accidentally added kisses at the end multiple times lately. Next time I’m just going to let myself do it. Why the heck not! 😛
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 5
Yay! My son just found out that he doesn’t have to work on Christmas Day this year!! He’s worked the last three Christmases from age 14. I’m so happy!
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 17