Daisy Dingle
28Friends 3Fans
female Second life
My Granny once told me that if you are confused by what someone is saying, just nod politely and say 'ooh fancy that'.

Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 5
AlannaRobbiani: I’m worried you haven’t eaten for three days!

Did you do a thanksgiving meal for yourself?
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 12
Today I made the orange cake I was supposed to make yesterday. God, it’s so damn delicious.

https://images.plurk.com/3H46bZdUVuet8efVo1OrW8.jpg https://images.plurk.com/M3E7O4Za2zvUCXiISv9uV.jpg
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 6
I’m going to make a god damned orange cake today! Who cares if it’s a million degrees outside with 4000% humidity!
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 9
Sth Aus is in locked down for 6 days. We had our first community transmission in 7 months this week and it’s now a cluster of 20. Basically everything closed (including schools and child care) besides essential services. I’ll keep working as I’m classed as essential. We take this shit seriously down here, which I am thankful for.
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 13
How long until you think this is all official? Or will it not be official until any necessary recounts are done?
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 13
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 6
Help! I can’t log into MP. I put in my name and password like usual, but it just keeps going back to the ‘login’ page. I can get into the SL Webpage but not MP. I tried my old avi account and that COULD get in... but Daisy Dingle just won’t log in.

Any suggestions?? 😕
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 14
Anyone else excited for the ‘shit show round 2x’ tomorrow?
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 9
Does anyone play ‘among us’? I want to try it... just watched AOC play and my son has been playing for ages. I used to play a game called ‘mafia’ in some pro boards forums I was in... similar game i think.
Daisy Dingle
4 years ago 5
This cruised down the river today.
