Sth Aus is in locked down for 6 days. We had our first community transmission in 7 months this week and it’s now a cluster of 20. Basically everything closed (including schools and child care) besides essential services. I’ll keep working as I’m classed as essential. We take this shit seriously down here, which I am thankful for.
I’m thankful you do too and wish we had from the beginning. My state, Illinois, is getting tighter restrictions on Friday, I think. Chicago already tightened restrictions on Monday. Nothing changes for me really, since I’ve been working from home since March, which I am thankful for.
Getting hit hard up here too. The Thanksgiving recommendation (I'm not sure if it can be mandated) is household members only and many non-essential services are cutting back.
My state is also back to restrictions as of last Friday. I think it's a couple months too late, but 'murica. South Australia has 20 cases new cases and is on lockdown. We have 1000 deaths per day and we don't. smh
Yep, I feel so bad that you guys are doing it so tough and we are freaking out over 20 cases. The only way to stop the spread is to lockdown. We learnt from Victoria who had a cluster but went into lockdown too late - They were suddenly getting 700 cases a day, but once in lockdown they got to 0 cases in 15 weeks. Pretty impressive.