31Friends 13Fans
Midlands, United Kingdom
Baylock or Jim.


Writer, artist, RPer, furry.

Fandoms are Fallout, Metalocalypse, Red Dead Redemption 2, Disco Elysium, DBH.

I play Magnus Hammersmith, Micah Bell, Javier Escuella, Nosramus.

.Baylock on Discord.
11 months ago 5
[Fallout Show] [No Spoilers] I am four episodes in and I like it so far. Some things I'm ehhh about, but overall it's really good. It looks great.
11 months ago 3
Is it bad that the Fallout series starting this week is all that's keeping me going knowing I'm going to have to do my manager's effing job because she decided to take time off immediately before an audit? >=(
11 months ago 1
Is 3:30 in the afternoon too early to go to bed..? :C
1 years ago 5
[Fallout 4] There truly is no end to goddamn Preston asking me to do shit, is there? Finish one thing, something else comes up.
1 years ago 8
[Fallout] Okay so I reached the point in Fallout 4 where I can one-shot Raiders which is nice.
1 years ago 2
Y'ever see something and get reminded of someone? For a weird reason? Well, AgentKaz, this made me think of your fics https://images.plurk.com/4d0io0XgzkK3l3XOS3FXlF.jpg
1 years ago 8
https://images.plurk.com/69tU1jjjjr2IGtwAGfYoJu.jpg The mild >=( I feel when I look at the deliberate condescension in this is the same as when random people online are like "TAKE UR MEDS, DRINK WATER" haha
1 years ago
Of course I got called into work on the first day of my PTO. Of course I did.
1 years ago 18
In news unrelated to my boring birthday, I have been having a lovely time playing Fallout 4 for the first time while being absolutely cripplingly miserable in most other areas, so that's nice.
1 years ago
Eurgh I'm 38 now. Bleh.