31Friends 13Fans
Midlands, United Kingdom
Baylock or Jim.


Writer, artist, RPer, furry.

Fandoms are Metalocalypse, Red Dead Redemption 2, Disco Elysium, DBH.

I play Magnus Hammersmith, Micah Bell, Javier Escuella, Nosramus.

.Baylock on Discord.
5 days ago 4
tmw you discover there's a character in One Piece with the same name as your favourite Fallout character because you're confused as to why pirate nonsense keeps showing up in your post apocalypse nonsense
2 weeks ago 7
Saw Hamilton on stage today, had a nice time. c:
3 weeks ago 10
[Drawin'] https://images.plurk.com/3QEYVqMRSrcwbySn9C9uH6.png some Fallout Vault Boy Cartoon style OCs. Lumi (left), Teja (right, belonging to Sage) and Little Ball (... the ball).
4 weeks ago 2
[Ignore] https://images.plurk.com/26ddCg2ru0q9oSBBqbafIr.png just me checking colours between devices lol
1 months ago 3
[Fo4] https://images.plurk.com/5A5kKjmEzySWE0TQVaIEoq.jpg Oh no somebody stole X6-88's dorky Terminator sunglasses
1 months ago 11
https://images.plurk.com/4lDkudfAHoE5fQ6C96MwZZ.png I friggin' love eyebots okay
2 months ago 4
[Fallout 4] Hnnngh there's so much to do on this game I have not enjoyed bumbling so much (FOR MONTHS!) since RDR2.
2 months ago 3
[Fallout 4] So I've been playing this since like, January and I've still got shit to do and today they updated it with new stuff? Thrilled tbh
3 months ago 5
[Fallout Show] [No Spoilers] I am four episodes in and I like it so far. Some things I'm ehhh about, but overall it's really good. It looks great.
3 months ago 3
Is it bad that the Fallout series starting this week is all that's keeping me going knowing I'm going to have to do my manager's effing job because she decided to take time off immediately before an audit? >=(