6 months ago
[Fallout 4] There truly is no end to goddamn Preston asking me to do shit, is there? Finish one thing, something else comes up.
6 months ago
Between fuckin' settlers being like "help, there are feral ghouls 60 miles away that I'm scared of, please kill them!" and one of three dumbfucks in my main settlement getting kidnapped in rotation, I'll never see the end of Minutemen bullshit
6 months ago
On the plus side, I have a very cute non-feral ghoul husband who I love very much
6 months ago
Also I really very much hate Knight Rhys a lot. I haven't even done more than go to places and kill supermutants, ghouls and rabid molerats for him, but he's astonishingly unpleasant
6 months ago
I also tried to do a lil job for Haylen, who is a cutie, and discovered that the place she wants to send me to is Hell On Earth
6 months ago
It's a vault on the edge of the Glowing Sea that's got what felt like 30 assaultrons outside it ready to melt my face with their faces so sorry Haylen but nah