96Friends 59Fans
female Toronto, ON, Canada
Second Life Resident. Virtual World Nobody.

39 years young. Writer, social worker, mom.

I blog about Second Life:
Carrie says
11 years ago 2
I was stumped when my son just asked for a slice of macaroni pizza until my daughter stepped in and said "he means pepperoni" Oh. LOL
Carrie says
11 years ago A little peak from the show my husband is working on. He did the lighting. George Takei is guest starring.
11 years ago 6
I can walk without crutches now. Hooray! Good thing, because I nearly took down a few people when we went out for brunch last weekend.
Carrie says
11 years ago 7
Second Life wish: an option to turn off glow and full bright in the SL viewer for taking photos.
Carrie says
11 years ago 4
I just found out that George Takei is guest starring on the show my husband is currently working on! I must come up with an excuse to visit him on the set!
11 years ago 4
so this morning I used the olloclip macro lens for my iPhone camera to assist in pulling a tiny sliver out of my kids foot. Someone nominate me for the Most Clever Mom of the Year Award!
11 years ago 13
yawn. I stayed up late last night with my daughter working on her Maya language and culture project. She waited until two days before to start it! But she got it done and is presenting it today.