Carrie says
11 years ago
Second Life wish: an option to turn off glow and full bright in the SL viewer for taking photos.
latest #7
11 years ago
You can set how intense you want glow to be in Firestorm (the Phototools floater). As for full bright... I'm afraid I don't know of a way to turn it off.
Carrie says
11 years ago
Firestorm is very slow on my system so I rarely use it. But I suppose there must be a debug setting I can find to adjust glow.
11 years ago
To speed things up without changing hardware, switch to Linux. ;-)
Carrie says
11 years ago
I don't know a thing about Linux. I'm on a MacBook. Will it work for me?
Carrie says
11 years ago
Feel free to laugh at me cuz that's probably a really dumb question lol
11 years ago
Well, Macs nowadays are (well-made) PCs, and they conform to the standards that Intel has set, so, ALTHOUGH you'll kiss your guarantee bye-bye, it'll work and it'll work fine.
11 years ago
But, if you know nothing about Linux, I recommend trying it out on a surrogate machine (perhaps an older, spare one) first. See which distribution (flavour) you like, etc.
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