11 years ago
yawn. I stayed up late last night with my daughter working on her Maya language and culture project. She waited until two days before to start it! But she got it done and is presenting it today.
latest #13
11 years ago
I'm so glad I am off work now and I have more time to be with my kids to help with these things.
11 years ago
also, all evidence points towards my son being dyslexic. Seriously thinking about quitting my job to homeschool him.
11 years ago
ramble, ramble
Whiskey says
11 years ago
CarrieLexington: My oldest has similar issues. Homeschooling was the best thing for her.
11 years ago
My son hates school. He hides when it's time to read, he guesses at words, he inverts his letters all the time. It affects his self-esteem at school which is what really concerns me.
11 years ago
His psych-ed assessment is still ongoing, but I already know the answer to all the testing.
11 years ago
I haven't spoke to my husband yet about the quitting my job and homeschooling part, so I came here and told the internet first LOL
Sean says
11 years ago
Sometimes you need a sympathetic audience first (cozy)
11 years ago
Thanks Sean. I think he might go through the roof when I tell him! (he wouldn't really but he would be very distressed about losing an income)
Sean says
11 years ago
The fact that you understand he might have an immediate reaction plus the actual rational basis for it (when he may not be able to articulate it, at first) will definitely help, IMO
Sean says
11 years ago
It's also hard for us guys who've been programmed that income == success to NOT get angry (because we odn't process fear/uncertainty/doubt well) as our default reaction.
Sean says
11 years ago
It's not right but it's what we do a lot of times, even if we try really hard not to. Just remember: we men are mostly just 9 years old in our head :-D
11 years ago
He'll be ok and we'll come up with some kind of solution, I'm sure.
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