7Friends 10Fans
male Minneapolis, MN, United States
Just a guy with a computer. . . or several
Calaban shares
13 years ago 2
also an essay about browsing the web at work.
Calaban shares
13 years ago 2
13 years ago 7
Fall semester begins today. Here's my undergraduate course:
Calaban says
13 years ago 15
So Tim Pawlenty is done, eh? The Gov. is upstaged by the congresswomen in Iowa.
Calaban shares
13 years ago 27
a liberal leaning post for your morning reading.
Calaban shares
13 years ago 103
a conservative leaning post for your morning reading.
13 years ago 8
notes that stocks are up 300+. Can you imagine being a trader. I would have had a heart attack by now.
13 years ago 8
I fished one pool today for over an hour to over 18 fish, some bigger than 18". Missed two takes, but that was all they gave me. Long hour.
13 years ago
The Guide is coming to the iPhone and other digital devices this fall. Can't wait.