Caitlin Tobias
291Friends 63Fans
female Second life
I love to explore the grid - and when I get home...I write about it.
Socialmedia, Clubs & Blogger Manager for Dutchie
My blog: Caits World
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago 5
It's been 7 weeks since my cataract surgery and I now got my new reading glasses. Vision is returned to normal, and clear again. I feel confident to get back to taking pics and blogging!
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago 3
Had the post-op check today and the optometrist confirmed what I hoped/thought: the vision in my eye is back to 100 % ! (it was 5-10 %)
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago 2
While rl shit is hitting the fan big time...there is online joy !WAARHEID trailer 2 #shorts
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago 3
In other news, after 2 years and some months..we can finally announce the release of our new movie 'Waarheid'! WAARHEID release date: 16 Dec 2022 – What the Huck?
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago 5
OHAI! So, my eye surgery is now 3 weeks ago and all goes well. In two weeks I will get new reading glasses, cant wait! My vision is almost perfect for the rest, I dont need glasses anymore for driving and watching tv! Amazing.
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago 7
Hello world! Had my cataract surgery 2 days ago. Not going to lie: I found it an ordeal, I was so scared and totally cramped....but to be honest, I never felt anything, no pain..nothing. The procedure took 25 mins.
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago 4
More whining! So a piece of a molar broke off 2 days ago and when trying to make an appointment with the dentist I found out he died a few months ago. I never got the memo. Now I need a new dentist, found one..but I can only go for an intake appointment in 3 weeks. No treatment yet. Give me a fucking break.
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago 5 @Edit 2 years ago
Am so upset. Hospital has rescheduled my surgery to 10 october. Due to 'circumstances'. Their comment: 'it's only 4 days later 'enraged me. I am self employed, I have worked my ass off the past week to arrange and plan work and projects around the surgery date.
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago 10
OHAI. Yes, I am still alive. Summer happened. RL happened. I will return to Plurk soonish, but first I have cataract surgery next week - scary as hell. But looking forward to seeing SecondLife without fog again. Take care all!
Caitlin Tobias
2 years ago