going through a rather shady looking warehouse by the docks, taking inventory. He'll leave as fast as possible - the place feels filthy.
a very stupid song stuck in his head and is going to drown it out as fast as possible.
Hungary is totally lost as to what's going on, but also thinks she's totally so amazing for being such a good friend by not taking advantage
finished his paperwork for the night. What to do now...
a better book. This one had rather too sappy an ending.
a highly polished, perfectly tuned piano waiting for Heracles.
made more apfelstrudel, but isn't putting it anywhere near any windows. D<
would like to have a talk with Ludwig about his brother. When it's convenient to him, of course.
to know where all of these screaming children came from. [[Aaaah sister's b-day party ahhhhh ;A; ]]