thinks 14 years ago
they came just to bother you. Or they grew like magic.
...laughs at his misfortune.
might become dangerous if they touch the piano. D<
...thinks that would be amusing to see.
that if Gilbert is going to stay nearby gawking he may as well...divert them outside or something.
why he would do THAT? Watching him scramble about with the children is much more fun!
most certainly *not* scrambling. He is, however, moving around the room removing breakable objects from reach as quickly as possible.
...wonders if he should record this?
would find some way to make him regret that. Very, very much.
snatches one of Liza's cameras and starts to record it. He's sure someone will pay for it. If not, it's good for laughs.
would grab it away from him if his arms weren't filled with fancy things. He struggles to find a place high enough to put them down.
finally settles for a spot above a chest of drawers and turns to glare, trying to regain his composure. "Elizaveta won't be happy with you."
a shrug. "When is Liza ever happy with me?"
crosses his arms. "I'd ask if this were worth your time if I didn't know how pathetic your hobbies are." He winces at a shrill scream.
does not have pathetic hobbies! He has AWESOME hobbies! And he can't help but laugh at his wince.
sidesteps a few children playing tag. "Oh yes, following me around with a camera is entirely interesting and not ridiculous at all."
hears a sudden clashing jumble of piano notes and goes rigid. "Do. Not. TOUCH. THAT." He pulls a child very forcefully off the bench.
laughs loudly, and encourages the kids near him to play the piano. 8D Such a good influence...
resists the urge to SMACK CHILDREN and instead continues to drag them away and give them very firm verbal reprimands..
doing the complete opposite and encouraging them to cause trouble.
never been a fan of sparing the rod. The next child to get too close gets a hard smack in the back of the head. D< Gil would get the same.
...hits a child. IN AN EDUCATIONAL MANNER. It's silly how worked up people get about discipline these days.
amused to see he actually did it. He doesn't have anything against it--he smacked Ludwig around more than once.
scoffs when it starts sobbing. "If that was painful to you, you have terrible parents. Now move away from the piano, please."
can't help but laugh at that.
glares at Gilbert. "You're the worst child of the bunch, of course."
smirks. "And your point is?"
shoos more now cowering children towards the door. "The same point I've been trying to make for hundreds of years. Please grow up."
sticks his tongue out at him. "Nah, growing up isn't awesome at all!"
isn't surprised Gilbert thinks as such. He's fairly pleased with himself that that video won't turn out to be *too* embarrassing, though.
it was amusing to see him--the uptight aristocrat, flailing about.
privately knows that it really *was* quite embarrassing. ;orz "The only thing that video shows is me containing a situation
as efficiently as possible."
shakes his head, smirking. "It shows you flailing about and hitting children. Good going, there."
frowns. "*Correcting* children."
cackles. "You *hit* him. What would your boss say if I showed it to them...?" He smirks.
does his best to look very unconcerned. "Probably an offhand comment about what a badly-behaved boy that was."
raises an eyebrow. "Are you willing to wager on that?"
can't change his stance now, can he? "Of course. I've done nothing wrong. I wouldn't have thought you'd treat children so delicately."
doesn't. He just thinks it'd be funny to see him get yelled at for once.
wouldn't get yelled at. ] : <
highly doubts this. And he knows his boss better than Gilbert does, so.
...bets he could find a reason to make his boss yell at him.
that that is a very pointless and immature bet. And that Gilbert would also lose.
would not lose! He's too awesome to loose!
doesn't think it matters, because he's not stooping to the level of betting on this.
more or less agrees. By Gilbert's definition, at least.