Roderich has
14 years ago
made more apfelstrudel, but isn't putting it anywhere near any windows. D<
latest #127
14 years ago
...wonders if he could still steal it...?
Roderich is
14 years ago
still in the same room as the sweet. It would be very difficult.
Gilbert will
14 years ago
wait until he's out of the room, then!
Roderich is
14 years ago
reading a book in there while waiting for them to cool. He's not taking any chances. ]<
14 years ago
...will have to be a ninja then! He slowly pushes ope the front door, keeping low...
14 years ago
turns a page, unsuspecting.
14 years ago
14 years ago
pokes his head through the kitchen door, wondering if it's safe.
14 years ago
sort of sees the door opening in the corner of his eye, but keeps reading...
14 years ago
slowly pushes open the kitchen door, and slowly sneaks around the island in the middle of the kitchen...
14 years ago
waits until he gets closer, but closes his hand around the rolling pin hidden in his lap.
14 years ago
keeps sneaking closer, eyes focused on the apfelstrudel...
14 years ago
moves as fast as possible to hit him over the head. D<
Gilbert is
14 years ago
just about to reach the apfelstrudel....
14 years ago
bashes him with ROLLING PIN ACTION.
14 years ago
cries out in both pain and surprise, rubbing his head. "What was that for?!"
14 years ago
doesn't look up. "Stealing."
Gilbert gives
14 years ago
him both a pout and a glare. "I didn't steal anything! ...Yet."
14 years ago
makes a dismissive humming noise. "You were about to. After getting the first batch, you certainly don't deserve the second."
14 years ago
...likes apfelstrudel D=
14 years ago
doesn't care.
14 years ago
suddenly gets to his feet, grabs the strudel and tries to flee!
14 years ago
a;klrejar chucks the rolling pin at the back of his head!
Gilbert is
14 years ago
hit! He flails a bit, trying not to drop the warm, delicious, awesome strudel. ;A;
14 years ago
advances on him, throwing a whisk!
Gilbert is
14 years ago
hit again! Though, now he's gotten a hold of the strudel and tries to hurry off again!
14 years ago
grabs the back of his shirt and tries yanking!
14 years ago
flails even more, trying not to drop the strudel! D=
14 years ago
tries to...sort of reach around him and grab the strudel while holding him back!
14 years ago
tries to twist around, keeping the strudel out of reach, not even thinking about how awkward the situation is.
14 years ago
now has two arms extended grabbing for the strudel around either side of Gilbert. He can sort of grab at the edge.
14 years ago
kind of arches his back against him, tring to keep the strudel out of his reach,
14 years ago
hooks Gilbert's foot with his own, trying to set him off-balance or maybe knock him over.
14 years ago
flails a bit, and leans against Roderich to avoid falling over.
14 years ago
can reach the plate entirely now! Just...trying to get it away from Gilbert...he's starting to notice the awkwardness but will not give in!
14 years ago
all but clings to the plate, not willing to let go!
14 years ago
puts all of his effort into one big wrenching motion! This, unfortunately, requires him to brace himself
14 years ago
against Gilbert, and he's...really starting to notice this.
14 years ago
stumbles a bit, falling against Roderich, and still clinging onto the plate. This makes him realize just how much
14 years ago
he's leaning against him and is totally not feeling awkward. Not at all. Nope.
14 years ago
realizes just how ridiculous this battle is, and flustered, lets go of the plate and takes a few big steps backwards, whether
14 years ago
Gilbert was leaning on him or not.
14 years ago
, with the sudden loss of stability, stumbles a few steps backward, and almost drops the strudel. One he's on both of his feet and has a
14 years ago
hold of the plate, he turns around to Roderich...only to realize how close their faces are.
14 years ago
freezes for a few long seconds. Then, traitorous face burning, he takes another step backwards and crosses his arms, mumbling about idiots.
14 years ago
clears his throat, looking away. He can feel his face growing red as well, though he isn't quite sure as to *why*.
14 years ago
He just hopes Roderich doesn't see it.
14 years ago
does see it, when he finally manages to look up from a fixed location behind Gilbert's ear. "...Is there a problem?" He knows that the
14 years ago
question is vague. But on second thought, maybe he'll get a better answer that way.
14 years ago
waits until his blush is gone before he looks at him. Dammit, why was he suddenly so tense? It was just *Roderich*. Really. "No! Nothings
14 years ago
wrong! ...W-Why would there be anything wrong? There isn't anything wrong!" ...Convincing.
Roderich is
14 years ago
starting to feel as though something very strange is happening. He refuses to analyze the thought, but looks Gilbert up and down before
14 years ago
finally saying, "Then put the strudel down."
14 years ago
only clings tighter to the strudel. "No. Why should I?" He raises an eyebrow as Roderich looks him up and down...and refuses to think
14 years ago
about the feelings that come with that.
14 years ago
takes a step closer, making his words cool and crystal clear. "Because it belongs to me. Now please, I've asked politely. Put it down."
Gilbert has
14 years ago
never been very good at following orders. He raises both eyebrows and remains where he is. "I won it--it belongs to *me* now!"
14 years ago
shakes his head. "The world doesn't work that way anymore. Nowadays" - he takes another step - "we bargain. And either you put that
14 years ago
strudel down or you tell me why you turned so many peculiar shades of red just now." The words spill out before he has fully thought them
14 years ago
through, and really, he doesn't think he minds.
14 years ago
takes a step back this time and gives a irritated huff to cover him looking away from Roderich, having been obviously caught blushing.
14 years ago
Well, shit. "I wasn't *blushing*, what the hell are you talking about?!" His voice doesn't falter once, a fact that he's both proud of,
14 years ago
and ashamed that it was even a possibility.
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Interesting. 'Blushing' is your word choice, not mine." He feels a strange, coiled excitement. Suddenly it's almost as
14 years ago
though the situation is reversed. Maybe for once he has the upper hand here. He takes another step. "Then what *were* you doing, Gilbert?"
14 years ago
glares at him. "I wasn't doing anything!" He snaps. Suddenly he feels like he's the one playing defense in this argument of theirs and
14 years ago
does not appreciate that one bit. "You were blushing too!" He accuses.
14 years ago
doesn't want to admit to that, but knows that if you're going to win a war, you might have to lose a battle or two. He hums as if in
14 years ago
indifference. "Perhaps. But if I'm not mistaken, you are the one who is strenuously denying it, and I'd like to know why."
Gilbert gives
14 years ago
him a scowl. "I'm not denying anything! I was not blushing!" He's not even sure *why* he's so against revealing that he was blushing--he
14 years ago
knows it and obviously Roderich knows it. He just knows he can't give in, because the implications of him blushing....
14 years ago
relishes this sense of going on the offensive, so disappointingly unusual as of late. He gives a small smile that just barely fringes on a
14 years ago
smirk. "Please put the strudel down, Gilbert." He's not sure why the strudel seems connected to the argument, but to him, it does. Somehow.
14 years ago
doesn't question how strudels are connected--because it makes sense. It's a challenge. He's being forced to give the strudel, or
14 years ago
admit he was blushing. Well, he was determined to admit neither. He only clings tighter to the plate. "No way! They're mine!"
14 years ago
only smirks a bit wider. "I made them using my own time and effort. They belong to me. I'd like you to give them back. Or *explain.*"
14 years ago
...tries HARD not to think about how ridiculously good looking Roderich is, especially when he's smirking at him like that. Why hadn't
14 years ago
he noticed how good looking Rod--Wait, wait, wait. No no. Not going there. Nope. "T...There isn't anything *to*
14 years ago
explain! And *I* have them, they're mine!"
Roderich is
14 years ago
surprising himself with how...*easy* this is. He's quite good at looking down at most people, but he's realized that Gilbert is not usually
14 years ago
one of them. But right now...right now he's doing alright. He takes off his glasses, inspects them, and wipes them with his shirt as he
14 years ago
talks, just to look more unconcerned. "You're going to have to pick"
14 years ago
an option. I'd like those back. Of course, that's up to you - you could also stop playacting.
14 years ago
Gilbert hates
14 years ago
being on defense, more than anything. It wasn't even a fighting sort of defense, something he could use his physical strength against,
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push past and win. No, this was a battle of words, and he's never been very good with verbal arguments. He isn't willing to give up the
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strudel, or to admit a moment of weakness. So, the only thing he can think of to do to flee. He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever."
14 years ago
He said, dismissing Roderich's words and walks to the front door. Unfortunately, the door's on the other side of Roderich...
14 years ago
does not make any attempt to grab at the strudel again. He's realized how immature that part of the fight was - the grabbing and tugging and
14 years ago
generally acting like children. He does,however, put one hand on Gilbert's upper arm.
14 years ago
He does not pull. He merely keeps it there. "I suppose this means I win." Light and almost airy.
14 years ago
stops walking when Roderich takes his arms, turning to glare at him. "You didn't win *anything*--there was nothing *to* win!"
14 years ago
...At least, that's what he tells himself.
Roderich gives
14 years ago
a wry chuckle. "Alright. Perhaps. But I don't think that's like you, is it? To insist that something *isn't* a competition."
Gilbert gives
14 years ago
a shrug, and tries to turn the conversation back to even ground--to something where he isn't on the defensive. I mean, *really* it
Gilbert was
14 years ago
*Roderich*, he fought with him nearly every day, this *isn't* any different. "...Well, I got the strudel, didn't I?" He gives
14 years ago
a smirk, but it's lacking it's usual energy. Becasue, really. That was all he was here for. The apfelstrudel. That's it.
14 years ago
lets go of his arm, instead using his hand in a careless shrugging motion. "Oh, yes. Congratulations. You did get the strudel. I hope you
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find it satisfying."He puts as many subtle, almost passive-aggressive barbs into those syllables as he can. "Do you feel
14 years ago
like you've *won* now?"
14 years ago
narrows his eyes at Roderich. He isn't completely oblivious--he caught those barbs. "Yes. I *did* win. I got the
14 years ago
strudel--what we were fighting over? Or did you *forget*?" ...because their argument had nothing to do with him blushing,
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because he didn't blush. Easy as that.
Roderich gives
14 years ago
him a level look, speaking calmly and slowly. "Oh, I didn't forget. I think *you* may have, though." He smirks again. "But really, if you're
14 years ago
satisfied with saying you won because you got a small plate of strudel out of this, then I'm really quite happy for you."
14 years ago
tries not to think about how good loo--hot--sexy--no, no, no! No. Roderich is none of these things! Especially when he's smirking
14 years ago
at him and he's looking at him like that and they're this close together and he tries to look Roderich in the eyes to stop these
14 years ago
betraying thoughs, but it's a lot harder than he though. Fuck. "I didn't forget anything! I can here for
14 years ago
apfelstudel, and I have the strudel. I won!"
14 years ago
isn't even completely sure where he's going with this. He's had a lot of time to think, first after the funeral, then after his little
14 years ago
involuntary confession. And he's managed to close himself off, for the most part, to the weaknesses he shows when Gilbert is around. It
Roderich was
14 years ago
easier when he realized that the feeling wasn't mutual. But now things were less certain, and...well, he would just use the resistance
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he had built up to keep the upper hand. He shakes his head. "If you insist on playacting, I'll play along. What are you waiting for?
14 years ago
Take your prize. I'm sure it was worth the trouble. They're excellent."
14 years ago
stares at Roderich for a moment. He's not so sure when things got so complicated, or when Roderich suddenly decided to be good looking or
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when he even bothered to pay attention to it. He has a feeling it probably has something to do with Roderich confessing. But he hasn't
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thought of that in days, and the only reason he's come back to Roderich's house is because he makes awesome strudel and his reactions to his
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pranks are outright hilarious, and he *doesn't* have a crush on him, that blush meant *nothing*, and fuck, this wasn't making sense anymore.
14 years ago
He shakes his head to try to get rid of these thoughts and walks out the door. As he does, he looks down at the strudel.
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He's not even sure if he wants it anymore. Well, shit.
14 years ago
watches him go, looking out the door for a few more seconds before leaning back against the kitchen island. Interesting.
14 years ago
Gilbert was...maybe Gilbert wasn't as unaffected by all of this as he had thought. That in itself is a dangerous thought - if he allows
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himself to suspect that, then he risks losing any defense he had built up against disappointment. The question becomes whether to ignore
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it and carry on, or continue to see what he could find. The first option is probably best. Terrible that he can't seem to convince
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himself of that. It's...a frightening possibility, almost. That sliver of suspicion, of...blast it, of *hope,* is almost worse than being
14 years ago
certain there's nothing. But it's there. He runs through basic, routine tasks - checks the clock, cleans the counter, picks up his
14 years ago
book. He doesn't have to decide yet. He hopes.
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