11Friends 14Fans
male Sault Sainte Marie, ON, Canada
I blog male (adults and kids) SL fashion for roleplayers and urban average joes. My SL name changes from time to time for RP purposes, so best to search for my username in-world! adammcbain.stratten, stanleypucksaurus or paulburkowski.
8 years ago
anyone know good skins for Catwa's Jackson head? needs to be a semi-dark tone (passable as latino!). thanks!
9 years ago
Still got a long way to go, but the first item is closer to being done than to not being done!
9 years ago
Say Hihi to Jake! buoysirus
9 years ago
Managed to accidentally scroll all the way backwards to 2012 because I forgot how to Plurk! What a trip!
9 years ago
It's been strange to be away! Revamping the blog with new posts and styles.
12 years ago
absolutely exhausted, but Arcade post coming tomorrow....and hopefully I'll get a few posts done to set up a queue for the week!
12 years ago
nevermind my last plurk! i can't add a custom theme to a free wordpress account. Sticking with Tumblr!
Buoysirus is
12 years ago
totally changing from Tumblr to Wordpress because I just remembered I have a login to ElegantThemes. Fuck yes. buoysirus overhaul, just in time for a new post about The Arcade!