11Friends 14Fans
male Sault Sainte Marie, ON, Canada
I blog male (adults and kids) SL fashion for roleplayers and urban average joes. My SL name changes from time to time for RP purposes, so best to search for my username in-world! adammcbain.stratten, stanleypucksaurus or paulburkowski.
Buoysirus shares
12 years ago
his Arcade Gacha trade list.... https://docs.google.com/...
12 years ago
I'll get into Arcade eventually, right?
12 years ago
meant to get up at 9, got up at 11:30. PILES of work to do before my contract ends tomorrow - including figuring out my timesheets for the past 3 months. (oops)
12 years ago 5
new post! Mad Men style.... ft. FATEwear
Buoysirus has
12 years ago
just posted a new blog post! A late Christmas post - oops! buoysirus.tumblr.com
12 years ago
And I'm back! New post coming up in a couple of hours, if I don't fall asleep....
Buoysirus is
12 years ago
on hiatus until Jan 6/7 for vacation
12 years ago
Accidentally updated the blog instead of throwing the post in the Q. Merry Christmas! buoysirus.tumblr.com
12 years ago
got tomorrow's post ready! Thanks to Guapo Hansome of HaVoK for hookin' me up with tons of review copies.
12 years ago
just made a midnight run to the grocery store for candy canes and pepermint extract (and some emergency art supplies) and cold meds for mother. Cold meds were locked up and they had NO CANDY CANES!