7Friends 19Fans
female riding my scooter, Second life
I just point at stupid shit and laugh, really
6 years ago
I have gotten hooked on muting stupid bitches. I blame Twitter.
6 years ago
why would you have a group join board up in your store and then tell people who IM you about the board not working that it's not supposed to work because the group is closed?
6 years ago
not convinced that someone who just picked up a dollarbie even counts as a customer. they are more like that homeless person bitching that you bought them a sandwich instead of money to buy crack.
6 years ago
Fake Doms of SL, Part 128920: guy who IM's out of nowhere three days running with 'hello' till I crack and ask him what he wants, then says he can call back if I'm busy, then FINALLY makes RP request. I don't even have anything about RP in my profile.
7 years ago
People who do not know the difference between an LM and a TP. Or what a parcel is. Yet somehow have legacy surnames and rent land. Something is hinky here, methinks.
9 years ago 2
lol, I just found an offline from January where some moron mutes me because they refuse to believe that possessive 'its' doesn't take an apostrophe #grammarnazi
Blingtardette shares
9 years ago 1
9 years ago
went to the Arcade for the first time in, like, ever, played four machines and got two rares. Also, the Truth hair in my colour, which made up for not being able to get to the Truth sale.
Blingtardette thinks
9 years ago
yeah, no, still not caring that you have a tail
9 years ago
apparently Mr. Generic Strip has now gone to live in GOR #itwasonlyamatteroftime