18Friends 2Fans
male San Diego, CA, United States
8 years ago
Uncharted 4 looks beautiful. I'm on Chapter 13 now haha
9 years ago 4
Hi Plurk buds, been a while haha. Today I had my orientation for the FedEx Ground Package Handler position. Training is tomorrow night and I start Friday night as well. =]
9 years ago 1
Pretty late, but better late than never! Merry Christmas Plurk friends! And with the New Year upon us, Happy New Year's to you all! (In case I don't check Plurk again haha)
9 years ago
Just got to my brother's place in LA, and it's off to Universal Studios in the morning for his 24th birthday! =]
9 years ago 5
Starting orientation at Hollister on Monday haha.
9 years ago 26
Hello my dear Plurk friends! So yesterday I got off work at 7am and was on my way to pick up my mom from work. Along the way I got involved in a freeway collision that pretty much totaled the car.
9 years ago 2
In line with a couple of friends for Comic-con for Thursday =] Hi~
9 years ago
Started watching Hunter x Hunter on Netflix. I'm enjoying it so far. Gon and Kilua seemed pretty cool when playing J-Stars Victory Vs+, so I thought I'd check the show out. =]
9 years ago 1
J-Stars Victory Vs+ is so fun haha
9 years ago
Yay! Finally, my first five star weapon from a rare relic draw! Sephiroth's One-Winged Angel katana =]