Couldn't get out of either front side doors and had to crawl my way to the backseat to get out. What happened for me was a big rig cut me off in the 2nd fastest lane and I turned into the fast lane
Because that's what was opened. Car in front of me was slowing down so I slowed too. Traffic was starting to speed up and I followed. I check my right to see if there's an opening in the lane for me
To take and there wasn't and a Coyle seconds later after I looked forward the car in front of me stopped and I was three car spaces away when I noticed and slammed on the brakes but it was too late.
Went right into them and my airbag deployed. Luckily I didn't sustain any serious injuries, internally or externally. I got hit checked by the airbag so my abdominal area was in pain along with bruising
On my right wrist. My wrist was bleeding a little though, and it was the most noticeable pain I had and felt at the time. Mom came with her coworkers to help get her stuff out of the car and take me to
ER, where I stayed from like 8am till like 3:30pm. As I was waiting to get in, my back and neck slowly started to get sore. Once they called me in, they hooked me to an IV,
Got blood draws and a CT scan to check for any internal damage because of the abdominal, back, neck pain/soreness I was feeling. My results came out normal, they gave me something for pain, and gave me
A doctor's note to not work for the week and to have a follow up appointment after.
Seriously though, that shit was so crazy I didn't know what to do after it happened. I was in shock, pain, and panicking a bit, but happy that I'm alright and still living.
It was a five car pile up and I was the last to get involved... My doctor said she attended to the family I hit that took the ambulance immediately are okay and that they said the collision
Already happened before I got there and braced themselves cus they heard my brakes ty trying to stop.
Omgg that's so scary >< I'm glad you're safe!
Glad you're okay bro. Good luck with everything
Thanks guys. Yeah, doctor said with this kind of accident my body's gonna feel more of it a days later, but it's actually starting to kick in right now haha. So I'll be taking it easy this week for sure.
Her words were "if you think your feeling sore right now, wait a couple days because that's when it'll really kick in."
So sorry to hear about the accident

But glad you're okay! Take it easy~
Thank youuu. Yeah, I have a week off so I'm gonna spend it relaxing with friends and then mom and I are gonna visit my brother in LA so he can see I'm alright.
glad you're okay! just rest!