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male Tapei, Taiwan
Architecture blog:
Blogging Architecture in worldwide information translation , comments , discussion & everything related to architecture : like Industrial Design , Sociology , Economy , Philosophy , Art....etc
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontline更新了新文章: The Green School / PT Bambu 以竹子做為綠色主要建材的校園
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontline更新了新文章: JLCG architects: sao jorge castle 博物館的體驗設計
ArchFrontline 正在
13 years ago
ArchFrontline更新了一篇新文章:The Agoras Project Creates a Quiet Urban Escape in Busy Istanbul 伊斯坦堡的Agoras計畫
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontline更新了1篇新文章: Car-Shaped Bike Rack Reclaims Parking Spaces for Cyclists 自行車的寓言故事
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontline更新了一篇新文章: Vanishing Mosque Does Double Duty as a Public Plaza 新型態的清真寺
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontline更新了一篇國際競圖資訊: Downtown Fargo: An Urban-Infill Competition 競圖開放給建築師、設計者、工程師、景觀設計師或是相關科系的學生
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontline更新了新文章: 另一個在iida 2010 awards競賽中進入決選名單的案子:'water vapor' 來看看設計者別出心裁的創意吧
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontlines更新了一篇新文章: Designing for the Non-Architect 建築師的思想,造就了建築史上每一個里程碑,但是建築史並不代表歷史的全部,建築師也一樣,並不能代表人類的全部
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
先來看看AA的Concrete Geometries在做什麼?再從A Daily Dose of Architecture的The Language of Park51思考一下建築在媒體、政治、經濟、社會各方面扮演的角色。也許能夠對台灣的狀況有所反思。(或許是針對於花博的論戰?)
ArchFrontline says
13 years ago
ArchFrontline更新了兩篇主題文章: 討論社會與空間甚至是建築的密切關係 看完之後或許你也想說說自己的想法?